What makes Batta Fulkerson unique compared to other law firms? We’re letting Dave Cain, one of our own attorneys, have the spotlight today to answer that question.
Dave has been with us for a year, and it’s been an interesting experience for him because, in his words, we’re unlike any law firm he’s ever experienced. He came from an Am Law 100 firm that practiced corporate law, and he never actually saw any clients while he worked there. That all changed, though, once he joined us.
“The distinction here is we’re making a difference in people’s lives every day,” he says. “People come in, and they’re hurt, they’re in trouble, and we’re able to take steps to, number one, get them well. I don’t remember ever having a contact like that with a client my entire career. It’s been a steep learning curve. The firm does it differently, and they should be proud of the work they’re doing, because I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
Remember, if you have any questions for us or there’s anything we can help you with, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help you.