Child Advocacy in Auto Accidents

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Minors who have received a settlement after an auto accident must be protected. Today we will discuss how child advocacy works to legally safeguard minors.

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Today I’d like to highlight the subject of child advocacy. Child advocacy refers to the protection of a minor’s rights within the legal system. This often comes into play when a child has been injured as the result of an auto accident.

If there is a settlement for a child involved in an accident, the court has an interest in making sure that child is advocated for. To protect a child’s settlement, there must be what is called a “minor’s compromise.”

A minor’s compromise protects the child’s settlement money so that they may access it in the future.

Child advocacy refers to the protection of a minor’s rights within the legal system.


Let’s say a five-year-old child gets into an accident and receives a settlement of $5,000. At this point, the court would attempt to move this money into a protected account. However, the child must have a guardian ad litem, a guardian in the eyes of the law, for the funds to remain secure until the child is old enough to access them.

A minor’s compromise is a multi-step process that requires a fairly complex filing and an appearance before a judge. We strongly recommend that you have an attorney when undertaking this process.

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to assist in any way.

We trust you found value in this blog article: Child Advocacy in Auto Accidents. We also hope you never need us, but if you or anyone you know might, we are always here to help!