Today I wanted to address a question we’ve heard a lot over the past three years: Where did the Batta Fulkerson bulldog brand come from?
Regarding the origin of our Bulldog brand, I’m probably responsible for it. I have three English Bulldogs: 13-year-old Stella, 8-year-old Winston, and 3-year-old Dolly. When we were trying to figure out the brand and logo for Batta Fulkerson, we knew that we wanted to do something different from how other personal injury and law firms have formulated their brands in the past.
Why? We think there’s a better way—a different way. Our industry hasn’t changed much in the last 30 or 40 years, and unfortunately, personal injury attorneys have a reputation of being ‘ambulance chasers’ and that caricature of a sleazy, slimy attorney who makes you need to shower after meeting. We wanted to go in as opposite of a direction from that as we could and create a brand and a movement such that when you saw it, you knew without a doubt that we were different.
And that’s where the Bulldog Attorney movement was born. We are very humbled by the reception and how much people seem to enjoy it. We have our logo on T-shirts all over town, on all our vehicles, on coffee cups—we even have a 20-foot-tall inflatable English Bulldog that goes around to different charity and local events to help raise money for the community.
We are personal injury attorneys, but we’re not the same as those of the past. We’re personal injury attorneys who are present, who put their clients first, and who are doing this work for the right reasons and with the right intent.
We hope you never need us, but if you ever do, you can call us anytime. We’re always available and we’re always happy to answer any questions you have.