$250,000 settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident

In by psdadmin

We just finalized a $250,000 settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. Our client was an elderly woman that was a passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended. She immediately had pain in her shoulder and went to the emergency room the same day. After months of physical therapy and an MRI, the client was recommended for surgery due to a tear in her shoulder. The surgery went great and the client’s recovery went smooth but when we tried to settle the case with the at fault party they refused to consider the client’s pain and suffering and only offered enough to cover the medical bills. After filing a lawsuit and allowing the insurance company to take a deposition of our client, they more than doubled what they were offering and we were able to settle the case for $250,000.00. It may have taken a few extra steps and more work, but the client got a fair settlement and that is all that matters