Case Results
Injury Settlements and Recovery

South Hills Church is gving away 30,000 lbs of food, drinks, and household goods such as toilet paper as well as 50,000 diapers. This is a completely free event without any restrictions.
Sunday, May 3rd, 11-4pm
Rancho Hills Center
5901 Rancho Hills Drive, San Diego, CA 92139
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We just settled a motorcycle accident case for $1,500,000 for our client that was hit on his motorcycle while riding to work.
This was not an easy case because the police report placed our client at fault. Unfortunately, we have seen a bias against riders and a lot of police reports wrongfully place motorcyclists at fault.
We were able to turn liability around and show how the car caused the accident. The client is thrilled with the result and is already back to riding again.
We just finalized a $900,000 settlement for our client that was injured in a bad motorcycle accident. Our client suffered serious injuries that required surgery.
This case was a grind because the at fault party was dug in at a low value and refused to be fair to our client. It wasn’t until we filed a lawsuit and pushed the case towards a trial that they decided to do the right thing and settle the case.
Not all cases are the same and each one has unique nuisances, but under the circumstances we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Great job Attorney Taylor Gaines for getting this one resolved!!
We just settled at case for $160,000 for a client that was injured in a motor vehicle accident. The client had less than $20,000 in medical bills but we were still able to procure a 6 figure settlement for his back injury. The client will walk away with nearly $100,000 in tax free money.
We just settled a case for $75,000 for a gentleman that was assaulted by an attendant at a gas station. The employee beat up our client and broke his nose.
These are you go cases because insurance is not usually liable for intentional acts, but we were able to show that they had negligent hiring practices and should have known that their employee had a propensity to violence. The client is really happy because a lot of his medical bills were outstanding and how he is able to pay those bills and put some money in his pocket as well.
We just finalized a $1 million Policy Limits Settlement for our client that was injured while hiking. Our client was on her way back down after hiking a well known local trail. On her descent, she was run over by a man riding his mountain bike down the trail. The impact sent our client flying down the hillside, causing her to tear both of her shoulders.
Our client required surgery on one of her shoulders and a significant amount of treatment on the other. Her recovery was painful and took her away from many of the activities she loves. Our office tried to settle this case without having having to file a lawsuit but the insurance company refused to be reasonable. After filing suit and taking depositions, the insurance company agreed to pay their full $1 million dollar policy limit.
We just finalized a $875,000 settlement for our client that was injured in a car accident. The client suffered injuries to her back and had a difficult time getting the care she needed to get better. Our office helped find her the right doctors for medical care so she was able to get healthy without spending thousands of dollars out of pocket on her recovery. After she was healthy, we tried to settle the case with the other party but they made a very low offer. After filing suit and going through discovery, the other party finally offered an amount the client was willing to take and we settled the case prior to trial. The client did not want to go to trial so this outcome was a big win.
We just finalized a $2 million dollar policy limits tendering for our clients that were injured in a head on collision. Our clients suffered multippe injuries and required significant medical attention as a result of the accident. Fortunately, they are doing much better now. The insurance company for the at fault party tried to negotiate off the policy limits but we refused and they eventually tendered every dollar in the policy for the clients.
We just finalized a $2,250,000.00 settlement for our client that was injured in a car accident. The client was rear ended by a large vehicle, totaling her car. The client suffered a back and a neck injury that prevented her from working for an extended period of time. The other party accepted liability but tried to downplay the client’s injuries. Our client had a spine surgery and we thought the other side’s evaluation was rather insulting, so we filed suit. In litigation, we were able to show that the injuries were a direct result of the accident and the insurance company for the other side finally agreed to settle the case for $2.25 million dollars. the client is thrilled and she is now able to move on with her life.
$1 million dollar policy limits settlement for our client that fractured her arm in a fall in a bathroom. The floors in the bathroom had just been mopped but no signs were put up to warn of the dangerous conditions and our client fell and broke her arm. We were able to get the entire $1 million dollar policy paid for her.
$500,000 policy limits settlement for our client bay suffered a back injury in an auto accident. We were able to get the other party to tender their full $100,000 policy limits, followed by a rendering of the remaining $400,000 from our client’s insurance.
We just settled a dog bite case for $35,000 for a client that was bit on her leg. Fortunately, the wound eventually healed without leaving a scar but the situation left the client with a lot of anxiety around dogs.Dog bite cases are unique in the emotional trauma they leave. We live in such a dog friendly community and no one wants to have anxiety every time they walk into a situation and a dog is present. Luckily, San Diego has some amazing medical providers that help dog bite victims work through this anxiety so it does not follow them around in life. We are happy to say that our client is doing much better and is very grateful to put this situation behind her.
Multiple million dollar confidential settlement for our client that broke her neck at a concert venue.
$3 million dollar policy limits settlement for a motorcyclist that was hit and suffered significant injuries to his leg and back. The injuries required the client to undergo to surgeries. We were able to recover the full $3 million dollar policy limits.
We just finalized a $1 million dollar policy limits settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. The client suffered a head injury and also required treatment and care on her back and neck.
The client was smart enough to carry a very good insurance policy that included a $1 million dollar policy for Uninsured motorists. That policy protects you if you are hit by a vehicle that doesn’t have insurance. San Diego is the number one place in the country for cars driving without insurance so it’s very important to carry good coverage to protect yourself. Unfortunately, the client’s insurance company refused to be fair with her and did not offer much to settle her claim. After demanding formal arbitration, it was was shown in a full arbitration that the client’s claim was worth well over the full $1 million dollars and the insurance company was forced to pay the entire million dollar policy limits. Although it’s a shame that the insurance company did not do the right thing on their own, we are glad we were able to help get the client a fair result. Insurance companies will often try to pay an unfair amount to settle a claim. That’s why you should always speak to an attorney prior to agreeing to a settlement. Most of the time,an attorney will be able to get you more money and make sure you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.
We just finalized a $1 million dollar policy limits settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. The client suffered a head injury and also required treatment and care on her back and neck.
The client was smart enough to carry a very good insurance policy that included a $1 million dollar policy for Uninsured motorists. That policy protects you if you are hit by a vehicle that doesn’t have insurance. San Diego is the number one place in the country for cars driving without insurance so it’s very important to carry good coverage to protect yourself. Unfortunately, the client’s insurance company refused to be fair with her and did not offer much to settle her claim. After demanding formal arbitration, it was was shown in a full arbitration that the client’s claim was worth well over the full $1 million dollars and the insurance company was forced to pay the entire million dollar policy limits. Although it’s a shame that the insurance company did not do the right thing on their own, we are glad we were able to help get the client a fair result. Insurance companies will often try to pay an unfair amount to settle a claim. That’s why you should always speak to an attorney prior to agreeing to a settlement. Most of the time,an attorney will be able to get you more money and make sure you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.
We just finalized a multi-million dollar settlement for a client that was injured in a motor vehicle accident. The client was hit by a vehicle that was making an illegal turn and he suffered a serious back injury.
As a result of the accident, our client required a back surgery and significant follow up care. Fortunately, the surgery went well and the client is doing really well. He is back to doing all the things he enjoys in life and couldn’t be happier with the result.
We just finalized a $500,000 policy limits settlement for a client that suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident. The client initially tried to settle his case directly with the other person’s insurance but they were only willing to offer a few thousand dollars. After coming onto the case, we were able to help get the client set up with care for his injuries. Thankfully, the client was able to get the care he needed to get healthy. Unfortunately, even after the treatment was complete, the insurance company refused to pay the full policy. Our office pushed the case into litigation and refused to come off the full policy limits. After some initial discovery and depositions, we were able to get the full $500,000 policy tendered to the client.
We just finalized a $300,000 policy limits settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. Our client was not at fault for the accident and suffered a back injury. After seeking care with a chiropractor, the client was still in pain and sought care with a spine specialist. The client ended up needing a minimally invasive procedure on her back. Unfortunately, the insurance company did not want to pay for her care and argued it was not a big enough accident for her to be injured. After initial discovery and a deposition, we were able to prove the injuries were caused by the accident and the insurance company tendered the full policy. The best part of this job is getting great results for good people. If you ever know anyone that is injured in an accident, we are always here to help.
Our client was a patron of a bar in San Diego when he was stabbed by a man that was not checked at the door. The bar had been checking everyone that entered the establishment for weapons but failed to check the defendant.
Our client suffered significant injuries to his arm that required surgery. Unfortunately, the individual that stabbed him did not have any financial means to compensate our client, leaving our client with significant medical bills. We were able to show how the negligent security contributed to the stabbing and the establishment agreed to pay their $1 million dollar policy to help compensate our client.
If you ever know anyone that is injured due to the fault of someone else, send them our way and we will make sure they are treated like family
We just finalized a $300,000 settlement for a client that was injured in a motor vehicle accident.
The client was not at fault for the accident and the other party immediately accepted liability. The issue in this case was the client was already receiving medical attention for injuries unrelated to the accident, and the accident made all his injuries worse. The insurance company did what insurance companies do, and argued that all of his injuries were pre-existing, and refused to pay for any of the care.
After coming onto the case, we were able to show and convince the insurance company that this accident had greatly exacerbated our client’s injuries. After a significant back and forth, we were able to reach a settlement that made sense for the client.
We hope you never know anyone that is injured in an accident, but we are always here to help!!
$250k policy limits for a client that was injured in an accident while on vacation. Welcome to San Diego!!
The biggest issue in this situation was making sure the client could get the care she needed to recover. The client suffered injuries but did not have health insurance to get care, and she lived in Florida. Fortunately, we were able to work with a law firm in Florida that helped connect the client with great doctors so she was able to get the care needed to recover. At the end of the day, there is no price you can put on your health. We are very happy everything worked out the way it should
If you ever know anyone in an accident, we are always here to help!!
In cases like these, it usually ends up with multiple parties pointing the finger at each other, trying to escape liability. The contractor blaming the subcontractor, the subcontractor blaming the landscaping company and the landscaping company blaming our client. Our type of fun. Fortunately, we were able to get all liable parties to contribute in order to reach a fair settlement. We had to file a lawsuit but we avoided a costly trial and our client is very happy with the result.
Our client was stopped at a light when she was rear ended from behind. The collision was significant and our client was taken from the scene by ambulance. In addition to being badly banged up, our client suffered a jaw injury that required her jaw be wired shut to heal.
After helping our client get all the care she needed to recovery, we were able to secure the full policy from the at fault party. We were also able to obtain large reductions from her health insurance and medical providers, so the client will walk with the majority of the settlement.
You have a lot of choices when you are injured in an accident, make sure to pick a team you can trust. We are always here to help!!
The husband suffered minor injuries but the wife was diagnosed with a torn shoulder that required surgery. The insurance company had $100,000 in coverage per client and we demanded that they tender the full limits for both clients.
After taking a deposition of our clients, the insurance company offered the $100k for both clients for a total of $200k. We made sure every penny was recovered for our clients because it was the just result in this situation.
A lot of firms refuse to fight for every dollar. Instead they settle cases for less than what they are worth and move onto the next case. That’s not Batta Fulkerson. We make sure to put in the work so every client gets the best result possible.
Our client was injured when another vehicle rear ended him as he was stopped at a red light. The other vehicle failed to even attempt to stop and hit our client at a very high rate of speed. As a result of the impact, the client suffered several injuries which required nearly a year of care.
Initially, the insurance company did what insurance companies do and they made a low ball offer. Fortunately, we were able to turn the situation around without having to file a lawsuit and we settled the case for the full policy limits of $250k.
Unfortunately, accidents happen. And unfortunately, insurance companies are there to try to pay the least amount possible.
Our client was visiting a friend at someone else’s home when she was bit on the nose by a dog. The client tried to get in touch with insurance for the home and was completely blown off. After contacting our firm, we were able to get the insurance company’s attention but they refused to understand the seriousness of situation and made insulting offers to try to resolve the case.
Our office filed a lawsuit and worked the case towards trial. Fortunately, we were able to settle the case in mediation for $175,000.00. The client is extremely grateful and she can now move on with her life.
If you ever know anyone that is injured from a dog bite, we are always here to help.
We just negotiated a $190,000.00 settlement for our client that was struck by a car while crossing the street. Initially, the other insurance company blamed the entire accident on our client. We conducted a scene inspection and found a witness that was able help show that the driver was not paying proper attention to the roadway. Even after proving liability, the insurance company refused to offer a fair amount for his injuries.
After filing suit and going through discovery, we were able to properly communicate our client’s unique hardships and we reached a fair settlement. This one wasn’t easy, but we got to the finish line and the client is very happy. Onto the next one!!
We just finalized a $250,000.00 Policy Limits Settlement for our client that was knocked down by a car that was backing up in a bank parking lot.
Our client is an elderly man and was knocked to the ground causing him to suffer a back injury. After coming onto the case, we helped set the client up with a good specialist so he could start to get the care he needs. Due to his age, the recovery has been a very difficult process. He now walks slightly hunched over and in pain. After getting the defendant to tender their full policy limits, we were able to get our client’s insurance to also tender the policy limits for a total of $250,000.00. Our client was very stressed about the thought of having to litigate his case and we are thrilled we were able to get every dollar for him without ever filing a lawsuit.
We just settled at case for $70,000 for our client was was injured after being rear ended by a drunk driver.
Thankfully, our client didn’t suffer serious injuries, but she had to go to the emergency room and sought care with a chiropractor for several months.
When we went to settle the case with the at fault party’s insurance they made an extremely low ball offer. Due to the DUI, we filed a lawsuit and asked for punitive damages. The judge granted the punitive damages and we were able to settle the case for five times what had originally been offered. The client is beyond happy and hopefully the defendant learned a lesson. DON’T DRIVE DRUNK!!
We just settled a case for two clients that were visiting San Diego when they were rear ended by a driver that wasn’t paying attention. Thankfully, neither suffered large injuries and they only needed to treat with a chiropractor and both fully recovered. The issue was that both clients missed a few days from work and that loss was fairly significant. The at fault party refused to take any lost wages into consideration. After several rounds of back and forth and almost filing a lawsuit, the insurance company finally tendered their full policy limits of $15,000 for each client. The clients are very grateful a lawsuit was not needed and they are able to be made whole so they can move on with life.
We just settled a case for the full $100,000.00 Policy Limits. Our client is a motorcycle rider that was hit when a car switched lanes into him while he was riding on the 163 freeway. Unfortunately, there were no witnesses and our client was placed at fault in the police report. We often have motorcycle cases with adverse police reports as there is a bias against motorcycles. Our office is used to these fights and we are well equipped to turn these situations around. And that’s exactly what we did here. This case avoided litigation, which means costs and fees stayed low, maximizing the recovery for the client. He is a good man and deserved this result.
We just settled $500,000.00 Policy Limits case for two ladies that were injured when a drunk driver hit them, causing their vehicle to flip. Both were rushed to the hospital by ambulance. In our opinion, DUI accidents are significantly different than normal accidents. We are extremely aggressive when it’s a DUI situation and we always demand the full policy limits. Because if you are so malicious as to drive drunk, you deserve the consequences when that decision hurts someone else. This case was no different. After refusing to move off the policy, the at fault party tendered their full $250,000 policy for BOTH of our clients. No lawsuit had to be filed. No expensive litigation costs. No unneeded stress. This is a win all the way around and we are very happy for our clients!!
We just finalized a $550,000 settlement for our client that suffered a knee injury while at work. The injury required our client to have a surgery on his knee. Although most work place accidents must go through workers compensation, we were able to show that a third party had caused the dangerous condition that caused our client to be injured. After proving that the other business was the cause of the negligence, we were able to negotiate a $550,000 offer to settle the case. Accidents are a part of life and we really hope you never need us; but if you do, we are always here to help!!
We just settled a case for the full $100,000.00 Policy Limits for a client that was injured in a car accident. The client had suffered a prior wrist injury and had surgery on the wrist a couple years prior to the accident. Unfortunately, this accident aggravated her wrist. After following up with her surgeon and trying physical therapy for several months, the surgeon recommended a second procedure to fix the injury from the accident. Due to COVID and other life obstacles, the client is unable to have the surgery at this time. We sent the at fault party a very thorough demand package that explained in detail how this was a new injury and not pre-existing. The insurance company continued to blame the prior injury. We let them know we had enough and were filing a lawsuit. But instead of filing immediately, we sent them a supplemental package with some additional hardships and a copy of the lawsuit we were prepared to file. Upon reviewing and realizing we were not playing around, the insurance company tendered they entire policy. This is a big win for our client because although some cases need to be litigated, litigation is stressful and time consuming. Our client deserved this outcome so she can move on with her life
We just finalized a $250,000 settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. Our client was an elderly woman that was a passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended. She immediately had pain in her shoulder and went to the emergency room the same day. After months of physical therapy and an MRI, the client was recommended for surgery due to a tear in her shoulder. The surgery went great and the client’s recovery went smooth but when we tried to settle the case with the at fault party they refused to consider the client’s pain and suffering and only offered enough to cover the medical bills. After filing a lawsuit and allowing the insurance company to take a deposition of our client, they more than doubled what they were offering and we were able to settle the case for $250,000.00. It may have taken a few extra steps and more work, but the client got a fair settlement and that is all that matters
We just settled a case for $250,000.00 for our client that suffered a shoulder injury in a car accident.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was in a large accident. She immediately had pain in her shoulder but it was not properly diagnosed. We helped get the client into a shoulder specialist who was able to diagnose her with a tear in her shoulder.
After surgery, the insurance company failed to offer a fair amount of money to settle the case. As a consequence, we filed a lawsuit on the case. Fortunately, after showing the value of the case in discovery, the at fault party finally made a fair offer to settle the case.
This could not come at a better time for our client who has been hit hard by COVID and the economic shutdown. We are just happy we could help
We just settled a case for $250,000.00 for our client that suffered a shoulder injury in a car accident. Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was in a large accident. She immediately had pain in her shoulder but it was not properly diagnosed. We helped get the client into a shoulder specialist who was able to diagnose her with a tear in her shoulder. After surgery, the insurance company failed to offer a fair amount of money to settle the case. As a consequence, we filed a lawsuit on the case. Fortunately, after showing the value of the case in discovery, the at fault party finally made a fair offer to settle the case. This could not come at a better time for our client who has been hit hard by COVID and the economic shutdown. We are just happy we could help
For a client that was in a car accident due to another party running a red light. The other party was on their cell phone and caused our client months of pain and life disruption. They required physical therapy and had to get injections for the pain. Fortunately they were able to make a full recovery thanks the care.
That was T boned by another vehicle that was pulling out of a side street. There was not a significant amount of property damage and the at fault insurance company tried to claim there was no way our client could have been injured in the accident. However, our client was injured, and ended up needing a hip surgery as a result of the accident. After filing a lawsuit and going through discovery and depositions, we were able to reach a settlement through the mediation process.
That was rearended by a semi truck. The client was knocked unconscious and transported by ambulance to the nearest Emergency Room. The client was diagnosed with a head injury and also required some physical therapy for soft tissue injuries. Thankfully, the client made a full recovery and this case was able to settle in a mediation.
That was injured when a door frame collapsed in him at a job site. The client was knocked unconscious and hospitalized as a result of the incident.
The door frame had been improperly installed by another contractor and we were able to find that party and their insurance and prove to them that they caused our client’s injuries. Thankfully, we were able to reach this settlement in Pre-litigation which keeps costs and fees as possible, allowing the client to net more of the settlement.
For a client that was Rear ended in an accident causing her to suffer herniated discs in her back and neck. After receiving physical therapy, the doctor recommended her for a spine surgery. Although she did not want to have the surgery now or in the near future, we were able to use the surgical recommendation to get the at fault party to tender their full $100,000.00 limit.
$300,000.00 Policy Limit settlement for a client that suffered a back injury in a car accident. The accident itself was straight forward as the other driver admitted to running the red light, but unfortunately they did not have any insurance coverage on their vehicle.
Thanks to the client carrying Uninsured Motorist Coverage (Check your car insurance policy!! If you live in San Diego, you NEED this coverage), we were able to capture all the money prior to the client ever having a surgery. The timing was important in order to put as much of the money in the client’s pocket as possible. This client is a decorated Federal agent and we are honored to be able to help make this unfortunate situation right for him.
We just finalized a $1,000,000.00 Policy Limit settlement for a younger gentleman that was injured in a car accident. Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was hit by a pickup truck that ran a red light. The client was able to walk away from the accident but he did suffer injuries to his neck and back that eventually required surgery. Unfortunately, the client did not have health insurance at the time of the accident. Due to his injuries, we helped connect him with one of the top doctors in Southern California so he could get all the treatment and care he needed.
Initially, the insurance company refused to pay out on the claim but after forcing the claim into Formal Arbitration, we were able to get them to tender the full $1 million policy for the client. The client is now healthy and back to doing what he loves (playing golf). We are so grateful for the trust he put in our office and we are happy he is able to close this chapter and move on with his life with his health and dignity restored.
We finalized a $50,000.00 Policy Limit Settlement for a client that suffered very serious injuries in a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, there was only $50,000.00 to recover and the client had incurred over $250,000.00 in medical bills. This is obviously not an ideal situation but it’s very common due to the fact most people only carry minimal insurance coverage (also why EVERYONE should have Underinsured Motorist coverage on their own policy).
Fortunately, Attorney Paul Batta was able to negotiate the medical bills to under $15,000.00 and our office reduced our attorney fees to put as much of the settlement in the client’s pocket as possible. We know there will always be situations that we cannot make fully right due to unfortunate circumstances, but we will always do everything in our power to make sure every client gets the best result possible.
RECENT SETTLEMENT UPDATE: We just finalized a $500,000.00 settlement for our clients that were rear ended on the freeway after stopping behind a vehicle that was stopped in the middle of the freeway. Unfortunately, the driver suffered a broken arm, and the passenger suffered a significant concussion.
After taking the case and investigating the situation, we discovered that the vehicle our clients had initially stopped behind was stopped because it’s driver had fallen asleep and was intoxicated. It was a unique case as there were two at fault parties that contributed to the accident and we had to recover from both in order to make this situation right for our clients.
Thankfully, we were able to negotiate a fair resolution with both insurance companies. Our clients are now healthy and very happy to close this chapter in their life with dignity and respect.
After undergoing a spine surgery and making a full medical recovery, we were able to settle her case for $1,500,000.00 without having to file a lawsuit. It’s important to understand that by settling this case for maximum value, without having to file a lawsuit, the client saves tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees and costs. A lot of law firms would have filed a lawsuit so they could make more money. We are not most firms.
SETTLEMENT UPDATE:We are very happy to start the 2019 New Year by finalizing a $1,500,000.00 settlement for one of our clients that was seriously injured after being rear-ended by a large SUV. Our client didn’t have any health insurance but we were able to get her set up with one of the top spine doctors in San Diego so she could get all the care she needed.
We are very happy to start the 2019 New Year by finalizing a $1,500,000.00 settlement for one of our clients that was seriously injured after being rear-ended by a large SUV. Our client didn’t have any health insurance but we were able to get her set up with one of the top spine doctors in San Diego so she could get all the care she needed.
After undergoing a spine surgery and making a full medical recovery, we were able to settle her case for $1,500,000.00 without having to file a lawsuit. It’s important to understand that by settling this case for maximum value, without having to file a lawsuit, the client saves tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees and costs. A lot of law firms would have filed a lawsuit so they could make more money. We are not most firms.
The client is SO happy and we could not be happier for her and is going to be an amazing year!!!
$2.5 million dollars recovered for a motorcyclist that was hit by a drunk driver causing compound leg fractures that required multiple surgeries.
$1.25 million recovered for a motorcycle rider that was rear ended and thrown from his bike. He suffered several injuries that required multiple surgeries.
$100,000.00 policy limits for motorcyclist that was hit while splitting lanes. The client suffered a broken arm that needed a surgery to repair.
$40,000.00 EACH for a boyfriend and girlfriend that were hit by a drunk driver. They were both checked out at the hospital and followed up with treatment with a chiropractor.
Over $700,000 in total recover for four young men that were hurt when riding on a limo bus for a brewery tour. The driver was not paying attention and served to avoid rear ending a vehicle and causing our clients to go flying around the inside of the bus. Three of the four victims only suffered minor soft tissue injuries but one of them had to undergo a minimally invasive back procedure as a result of the incident.
$500,000.00 for a client that was Rearended while getting onto a freeway. The impact pushed the client into the center divider and resulted in a total loss of her vehicle. The client underwent a procedure on her neck as a result of the accident.
$500,000.00 policy limits for client that suffered a back and neck injury in an automobile accident. The client had a spine procedure as a result of the accident.
$100,000.00 policy limits settlement for lady that suffered a ruptured breast implant in a car accident.
$100,000.00 EACH for an elderly couple that is as hit by a vehicle that ran a red light. The police report wrongly put our clients at fault but after a thorough investigation we were able to show that the other party caused the accident. The clients were very banged up and were transported by ambulance to the Emergency Room.
$40,000.00 for a lady that spilled hot Pho Soup on her legs due to the lid not being properly secured. The Pho caused burns that although not permanent were extremely painful for months.
$300,000.00 for a client that has a mirror fall onto her head while eating at a restaurant. The impact from the mirror caused a neck injury which eventually required a surgery to repair.
$65,000.00 recovered for lady that tripped when her sandal was lodged under a loose metal trip plate of a door frame causing the client to fall. She suffered an injury to her spine and knee that required months of physical therapy and care.
$105,000.00 for gentleman that tripped over the bent leg of a barrier that was set up as a security divider. The client suffered a concussion and a large laceration that required dozens of stictches and follow up care.
$265,000.00 for a client that fell down a makeshift ladder the defendant had constructed to get onto his roof. Due to the dangerous nature of the ladder, the client fell and landed on his hip, causing a fracture.
$300,000 for a gentleman that was shopping for a desk for his home office at a larger retail store, when one of the desks collapsed onto his legs. The client suffered injuries to his knees and hips and had a knee surgery as a result of the incident.
$100,000.00 policy limits tendering for a young boy that was bit in the face by a dog. The bite required surgery and will likely result in a permanent scar.
$40,000.00 for a lady that spilled hot Pho Soup on her legs due to the lid not being properly secured. The Pho caused burns that although not permanent were extremely painful for months.
$300,000.00 for a client that has a mirror fall onto her head while eating at a restaurant. The impact from the mirror caused a neck injury which eventually required a surgery to repair.
$65,000.00 recovered for lady that tripped when her sandal was lodged under a loose metal trip plate of a door frame causing the client to fall. She suffered an injury to her spine and knee that required months of physical therapy and care.
$105,000.00 for gentleman that tripped over the bent leg of a barrier that was set up as a security divider. The client suffered a concussion and a large laceration that required dozens of stitches and follow up care.
$265,000.00 for a client that fell down a makeshift ladder the defendant had constructed to get onto his roof. Due to the dangerous nature of the ladder, the client fell and landed on his hip, causing a fracture.
$300,000.00 for a gentleman that was shopping for a desk for his home office at a larger retail store, when one of the desks collapsed onto his legs. The client suffered injuries to his knees and hips and had a knee surgery as a result of the incident.
$500,000.00 for a lady in a wheelchair that was hit while crossing the road. The client had a few broken bones and was bruised and banged up and required months of treatment and care to recover from her injuries.
$100,000.00 policy limits tendering for a young boy that was bit in the face by a dog. The bite required surgery and will likely result in a permanent scar.
$500,000.00 for an elderly lady that fell on a crack in a parking lot that was poorly lit. The client was leaving a nursing facility after visiting her friend and she fell on a large crack in the parking lot. The condition was made more dangerous as it was difficult to see the crack due to the lack of lighting in the complex. The client suffered several compression fractures in her back that required several months of treatment and care.
$150,000.00 for a lady that broke her ankle due to a faulty safety railing. Our client lost her balance on the stairs in her apartment complex and tried to grab the railing which was very loose and gave-way causing her to fall and break her ankle.
Initially, the insurance company for the complex denied all liability and refused to take any responsibility for the incident. Through the process we were able to convince them of their liability and the seriousness of the client’s injury and were able to obtain a settlement of $150,000.00 for the client.
$365,000.00 for a client that suffered bites to her face when a neighbors dog jumped up and bit her over a dividing fence. The client received care at the emergency room and had to follow up with a plastic surgeon for treatment on her wounds. Although her face healed beautifully, she was still left with slight scarring. Attorney Ed Meara and Attorney Dan Fulkerson were to show the insurance company that represented the dog owner, the true impact the injuries had on the client’s mental health as well as the insecurity that comes with a woman having even slight scarring on her face.
$100,000.00 policy limit settlement for a dog bite on the wrist that left a permanent scar. Our client was bit on her wrist and hand by a neighbor’s dog. It was a deep bite that left a noticeable scar on the client’s wrist. The insurance company initially offered $24,000.00 to settle the case. After filing a lawsuit and going through discovery and a deposition, the at fault party tendered their full $100,000.00 policy limits.
$300,000.00 policy limit settlement for a client that was attacked by a dog at a community park. The client was walking her two dogs on a leash in a park, when a large and aggressive dog pulled away from its owner and proceeded to run across the park and attack our client and her two dogs. Both our client and her dogs suffered significant injuries. Fortunately, both of her dogs have recovered and the client is doing better as well.
$450,000.00 for our client, an experienced rider and Vietnam Vet, who was run off the road on his motorcycle by a semi-truck. The client suffered significant road rash, a broken wrist, and injuries to his back and neck. Fortunately, the client did not have a surgery and after months of care is now feeling better. Even after the medical bills and the attorney fees, out of the $450k settlement, the client is getting $250,000 tax free.
$80,000.00 that was originally denied in full by the at fault party. Our client was rear ended while at a stop light but the damage to his truck was minor due to his tow hitch absorbing the impact. The at fault party denied his injury claim by concluding “there was not enough force for someone to be injured.” Attorney Ed Meara in our office was able to convince the at fault party that this accident caused our client to suffer injuries that required months of medical care.
$250,000 for an elderly client that suffered a concussion in a car accident. The at fault party tried to fight the claim due to the minimal damage to our client’s vehicle. Fortunately, after connecting the client with one of the top neurologists in San Diego, we were able to show the other insurance company the serious nature of her injuries.
$750,000 Policy Limits tendering for our client that was seriously injured in a t-bone collision. The at fault party ran a red light and initially tried to blame our client for the accident. The client suffered broken ribs and a neck injury that eventually required a surgery to repair. We were able to prove that the other party was liable for the accident and recovered the full $750,000.00 policy limits for our client.
$500,000 for our client that was struck while on his motorcycle, suffering several broken bones in his hand and a tear in his shoulder that required a surgery to repair. The at fault party initially disputed liability on the case. Fortunately, we were able to prove that their insured was the cause of the accident and our client’s injuries. After forcing the at fault party to tender their full policy, we filed for Arbitration with the client’s insurance company in order to obtain the full under insured policy limits for the client.
We recently settled a motorcycle injury case for the full $500,000 policy limits. The client was injured when the at fault party ran a stop sign. The other insurance company initially tried to blame our client for the accident but we were able to establish liability and help get the client the care for his arm and shoulder that were injured in the accident.
The client, who has been an avid rider for the last 30 years, will likely never ride again due to this accident and we were able to convey his hardships and injuries and the insurance company has agreed to pay every penny of the $500k policy.
This client has worked hard his entire life to enjoy his retirement and the enjoyment he has lost from not being able to participate in his passion of riding motorcycles deserves compensation. We are very happy for this gentleman and his family.
Client was rear-ended in an auto accident while stopped at a stoplight. After getting evaluated by a doctor and undergoing physical therapy, the client fully recovered from her injuries. With a soft tissue diagnosis and a full recovery after a few months of care, the attorney was able to get the defendant’s full $25,000.00 policy tendered for the client.
The client a mid-aged woman in her early 50’s with a pre-existing spinal condition was rear-ended at a stoplight. Due to the accident and the clients pre-existing condition, the client was recommended for surgery. The attorney was able to get the defendant’s full $100,000.00 policy tendered prior to the client getting the surgery.
The client entered the freeway and rear-ended a commercial vehicle. Due to the circumstances and severity of injury, an Accident Reconstructionist was hired and found negligence on the part of the commercial vehicle. Even with a full dispute of liability, a $200,000.00 settlement was reached without litigation.
Three clients were rear ended by a vehicle at a high rate of speed causing a serious spinal injury to one of the passengers. With a $500,000.00 policy limit offer on the table in pre-litigation the case was litigated and settled in mediation for $1,300,000.00.
The client was leaving a visit with her friend when she tripped over a large crack in the parking lot, causing her to fall and suffer serious injuries to her back and hip. After filing a lawsuit and going to mediation, a settlement with the owner of the parking lot was reached in excess of $500,000.00 for the client.
A gentleman was struck by a drunk driver as he was sitting broken down on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. The client had to have a surgery on his back as a result of the accident and recovered the full $1,250,000.00 insurance policy of the at fault party.
A middle-aged woman discovered she was pregnant at the hospital following a rear end collision in which her vehicle was a total loss. Due to her pregnancy, she was unable to receive the care she needed for her concussion and neck injury. Within months of the client having a happy healthy baby boy, the Attorney was able to get the insurance company to tender the $100,000.00 policy limits.
A young motorist in his twenties was hit by a commercial truck that ran a red light. The at fault driver tried to lie about the color of the light but thanks to a diligent investigation evidence was presented to show that he did in fact run the red light and cause the collision. As a result of the accident, the client required a back surgery. After multiple mediations the case settled for $750,000.00 prior to going to trial.
Several gentlemen were riding in a rented limo bus on a brew tour when the bus driver swerved out of his lane causing the passengers to fly around the inside of the bus. Several of the passengers suffered injuries, one of which required a back surgery. Even though the defense argued against the case due to waivers that had been signed by the passengers and that there was no contact with another vehicle, the case settled in mediation for 600,000.00 for the individual that required a surgery.
We just settled a motorcycle accident case for $1,500,000 for our client that was hit on his motorcycle while riding to work.
This was not an easy case because the police report placed our client at fault. Unfortunately, we have seen a bias against riders and a lot of police reports wrongfully place motorcyclists at fault.
We were able to turn liability around and show how the car caused the accident. The client is thrilled with the result and is already back to riding again.
We just finalized a $900,000 settlement for our client that was injured in a bad motorcycle accident. Our client suffered serious injuries that required surgery.
This case was a grind because the at fault party was dug in at a low value and refused to be fair to our client. It wasn’t until we filed a lawsuit and pushed the case towards a trial that they decided to do the right thing and settle the case.
Not all cases are the same and each one has unique nuisances, but under the circumstances we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Great job Attorney Taylor Gaines for getting this one resolved!!
$3 million dollar policy limits settlement for a motorcyclist that was hit and suffered significant injuries to his leg and back. The injuries required the client to undergo to surgeries. We were able to recover the full $3 million dollar policy limits.
We just settled a case for the full $100,000.00 Policy Limits. Our client is a motorcycle rider that was hit when a car switched lanes into him while he was riding on the 163 freeway. Unfortunately, there were no witnesses and our client was placed at fault in the police report. We often have motorcycle cases with adverse police reports as there is a bias against motorcycles. Our office is used to these fights and we are well equipped to turn these situations around. And that’s exactly what we did here. This case avoided litigation, which means costs and fees stayed low, maximizing the recovery for the client. He is a good man and deserved this result.
We finalized a $50,000.00 Policy Limit Settlement for a client that suffered very serious injuries in a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, there was only $50,000.00 to recover and the client had incurred over $250,000.00 in medical bills. This is obviously not an ideal situation but it’s very common due to the fact most people only carry minimal insurance coverage (also why EVERYONE should have Underinsured Motorist coverage on their own policy).
Fortunately, Attorney Paul Batta was able to negotiate the medical bills to under $15,000.00 and our office reduced our attorney fees to put as much of the settlement in the client’s pocket as possible. We know there will always be situations that we cannot make fully right due to unfortunate circumstances, but we will always do everything in our power to make sure every client gets the best result possible.
$2.5 million dollars recovered for a motorcyclist that was hit by a drunk driver causing compound leg fractures that required multiple surgeries.
$1.25 million recovered for a motorcycle rider that was rear ended and thrown from his bike. He suffered several injuries that required multiple surgeries.
$100,000.00 policy limits for motorcyclist that was hit while splitting lanes. The client suffered a broken arm that needed a surgery to repair.
We recently settled a motorcycle injury case for the full $500,000 policy limits. The client was injured when the at fault party ran a stop sign. The other insurance company initially tried to blame our client for the accident but we were able to establish liability and help get the client the care for his arm and shoulder that were injured in the accident.
The client, who has been an avid rider for the last 30 years, will likely never ride again due to this accident and we were able to convey his hardships and injuries and the insurance company has agreed to pay every penny of the $500k policy.
This client has worked hard his entire life to enjoy his retirement and the enjoyment he has lost from not being able to participate in his passion of riding motorcycles deserves compensation. We are very happy for this gentleman and his family.
We just settled at case for $160,000 for a client that was injured in a motor vehicle accident. The client had less than $20,000 in medical bills but we were still able to procure a 6 figure settlement for his back injury. The client will walk away with nearly $100,000 in tax free money.
We just finalized a $875,000 settlement for our client that was injured in a car accident. The client suffered injuries to her back and had a difficult time getting the care she needed to get better. Our office helped find her the right doctors for medical care so she was able to get healthy without spending thousands of dollars out of pocket on her recovery. After she was healthy, we tried to settle the case with the other party but they made a very low offer. After filing suit and going through discovery, the other party finally offered an amount the client was willing to take and we settled the case prior to trial. The client did not want to go to trial so this outcome was a big win.
We just finalized a $2 million dollar policy limits tendering for our clients that were injured in a head on collision. Our clients suffered multippe injuries and required significant medical attention as a result of the accident. Fortunately, they are doing much better now. The insurance company for the at fault party tried to negotiate off the policy limits but we refused and they eventually tendered every dollar in the policy for the clients.
We just finalized a $2,250,000.00 settlement for our client that was injured in a car accident. The client was rear ended by a large vehicle, totaling her car. The client suffered a back and a neck injury that prevented her from working for an extended period of time. The other party accepted liability but tried to downplay the client’s injuries. Our client had a spine surgery and we thought the other side’s evaluation was rather insulting, so we filed suit. In litigation, we were able to show that the injuries were a direct result of the accident and the insurance company for the other side finally agreed to settle the case for $2.25 million dollars. the client is thrilled and she is now able to move on with her life.
$500,000 policy limits settlement for our client bay suffered a back injury in an auto accident. We were able to get the other party to tender their full $100,000 policy limits, followed by a rendering of the remaining $400,000 from our client’s insurance.
We just finalized a $1 million dollar policy limits settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. The client suffered a head injury and also required treatment and care on her back and neck.
The client was smart enough to carry a very good insurance policy that included a $1 million dollar policy for Uninsured motorists. That policy protects you if you are hit by a vehicle that doesn’t have insurance. San Diego is the number one place in the country for cars driving without insurance so it’s very important to carry good coverage to protect yourself. Unfortunately, the client’s insurance company refused to be fair with her and did not offer much to settle her claim. After demanding formal arbitration, it was was shown in a full arbitration that the client’s claim was worth well over the full $1 million dollars and the insurance company was forced to pay the entire million dollar policy limits. Although it’s a shame that the insurance company did not do the right thing on their own, we are glad we were able to help get the client a fair result. Insurance companies will often try to pay an unfair amount to settle a claim. That’s why you should always speak to an attorney prior to agreeing to a settlement. Most of the time,an attorney will be able to get you more money and make sure you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.
We just finalized a $1 million dollar policy limits settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. The client suffered a head injury and also required treatment and care on her back and neck.
The client was smart enough to carry a very good insurance policy that included a $1 million dollar policy for Uninsured motorists. That policy protects you if you are hit by a vehicle that doesn’t have insurance. San Diego is the number one place in the country for cars driving without insurance so it’s very important to carry good coverage to protect yourself. Unfortunately, the client’s insurance company refused to be fair with her and did not offer much to settle her claim. After demanding formal arbitration, it was was shown in a full arbitration that the client’s claim was worth well over the full $1 million dollars and the insurance company was forced to pay the entire million dollar policy limits. Although it’s a shame that the insurance company did not do the right thing on their own, we are glad we were able to help get the client a fair result. Insurance companies will often try to pay an unfair amount to settle a claim. That’s why you should always speak to an attorney prior to agreeing to a settlement. Most of the time,an attorney will be able to get you more money and make sure you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.
We just finalized a multi-million dollar settlement for a client that was injured in a motor vehicle accident. The client was hit by a vehicle that was making an illegal turn and he suffered a serious back injury.
As a result of the accident, our client required a back surgery and significant follow up care. Fortunately, the surgery went well and the client is doing really well. He is back to doing all the things he enjoys in life and couldn’t be happier with the result.
We just finalized a $500,000 policy limits settlement for a client that suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident. The client initially tried to settle his case directly with the other person’s insurance but they were only willing to offer a few thousand dollars. After coming onto the case, we were able to help get the client set up with care for his injuries. Thankfully, the client was able to get the care he needed to get healthy. Unfortunately, even after the treatment was complete, the insurance company refused to pay the full policy. Our office pushed the case into litigation and refused to come off the full policy limits. After some initial discovery and depositions, we were able to get the full $500,000 policy tendered to the client.
We just finalized a $300,000 policy limits settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. Our client was not at fault for the accident and suffered a back injury. After seeking care with a chiropractor, the client was still in pain and sought care with a spine specialist. The client ended up needing a minimally invasive procedure on her back. Unfortunately, the insurance company did not want to pay for her care and argued it was not a big enough accident for her to be injured. After initial discovery and a deposition, we were able to prove the injuries were caused by the accident and the insurance company tendered the full policy. The best part of this job is getting great results for good people. If you ever know anyone that is injured in an accident, we are always here to help.
We just finalized a $300,000 settlement for a client that was injured in a motor vehicle accident.
The client was not at fault for the accident and the other party immediately accepted liability. The issue in this case was the client was already receiving medical attention for injuries unrelated to the accident, and the accident made all his injuries worse. The insurance company did what insurance companies do, and argued that all of his injuries were pre-existing, and refused to pay for any of the care.
After coming onto the case, we were able to show and convince the insurance company that this accident had greatly exacerbated our client’s injuries. After a significant back and forth, we were able to reach a settlement that made sense for the client.
We hope you never know anyone that is injured in an accident, but we are always here to help!!
Our client was stopped at a light when she was rear ended from behind. The collision was significant and our client was taken from the scene by ambulance. In addition to being badly banged up, our client suffered a jaw injury that required her jaw be wired shut to heal.
After helping our client get all the care she needed to recovery, we were able to secure the full policy from the at fault party. We were also able to obtain large reductions from her health insurance and medical providers, so the client will walk with the majority of the settlement.
You have a lot of choices when you are injured in an accident, make sure to pick a team you can trust. We are always here to help!!
The husband suffered minor injuries but the wife was diagnosed with a torn shoulder that required surgery. The insurance company had $100,000 in coverage per client and we demanded that they tender the full limits for both clients.
After taking a deposition of our clients, the insurance company offered the $100k for both clients for a total of $200k. We made sure every penny was recovered for our clients because it was the just result in this situation.
A lot of firms refuse to fight for every dollar. Instead they settle cases for less than what they are worth and move onto the next case. That’s not Batta Fulkerson. We make sure to put in the work so every client gets the best result possible.
Our client was injured when another vehicle rear ended him as he was stopped at a red light. The other vehicle failed to even attempt to stop and hit our client at a very high rate of speed. As a result of the impact, the client suffered several injuries which required nearly a year of care.
Initially, the insurance company did what insurance companies do and they made a low ball offer. Fortunately, we were able to turn the situation around without having to file a lawsuit and we settled the case for the full policy limits of $250k.
Unfortunately, accidents happen. And unfortunately, insurance companies are there to try to pay the least amount possible.
We just negotiated a $190,000.00 settlement for our client that was struck by a car while crossing the street. Initially, the other insurance company blamed the entire accident on our client. We conducted a scene inspection and found a witness that was able help show that the driver was not paying proper attention to the roadway. Even after proving liability, the insurance company refused to offer a fair amount for his injuries.
After filing suit and going through discovery, we were able to properly communicate our client’s unique hardships and we reached a fair settlement. This one wasn’t easy, but we got to the finish line and the client is very happy. Onto the next one!!
We just finalized a $250,000.00 Policy Limits Settlement for our client that was knocked down by a car that was backing up in a bank parking lot.
Our client is an elderly man and was knocked to the ground causing him to suffer a back injury. After coming onto the case, we helped set the client up with a good specialist so he could start to get the care he needs. Due to his age, the recovery has been a very difficult process. He now walks slightly hunched over and in pain. After getting the defendant to tender their full policy limits, we were able to get our client’s insurance to also tender the policy limits for a total of $250,000.00. Our client was very stressed about the thought of having to litigate his case and we are thrilled we were able to get every dollar for him without ever filing a lawsuit.
We just settled at case for $70,000 for our client was was injured after being rear ended by a drunk driver.
Thankfully, our client didn’t suffer serious injuries, but she had to go to the emergency room and sought care with a chiropractor for several months.
When we went to settle the case with the at fault party’s insurance they made an extremely low ball offer. Due to the DUI, we filed a lawsuit and asked for punitive damages. The judge granted the punitive damages and we were able to settle the case for five times what had originally been offered. The client is beyond happy and hopefully the defendant learned a lesson. DON’T DRIVE DRUNK!!
We just settled a case for two clients that were visiting San Diego when they were rear ended by a driver that wasn’t paying attention. Thankfully, neither suffered large injuries and they only needed to treat with a chiropractor and both fully recovered. The issue was that both clients missed a few days from work and that loss was fairly significant. The at fault party refused to take any lost wages into consideration. After several rounds of back and forth and almost filing a lawsuit, the insurance company finally tendered their full policy limits of $15,000 for each client. The clients are very grateful a lawsuit was not needed and they are able to be made whole so they can move on with life.
We just settled $500,000.00 Policy Limits case for two ladies that were injured when a drunk driver hit them, causing their vehicle to flip. Both were rushed to the hospital by ambulance. In our opinion, DUI accidents are significantly different than normal accidents. We are extremely aggressive when it’s a DUI situation and we always demand the full policy limits. Because if you are so malicious as to drive drunk, you deserve the consequences when that decision hurts someone else. This case was no different. After refusing to move off the policy, the at fault party tendered their full $250,000 policy for BOTH of our clients. No lawsuit had to be filed. No expensive litigation costs. No unneeded stress. This is a win all the way around and we are very happy for our clients!!
We just settled a case for the full $100,000.00 Policy Limits for a client that was injured in a car accident. The client had suffered a prior wrist injury and had surgery on the wrist a couple years prior to the accident. Unfortunately, this accident aggravated her wrist. After following up with her surgeon and trying physical therapy for several months, the surgeon recommended a second procedure to fix the injury from the accident. Due to COVID and other life obstacles, the client is unable to have the surgery at this time. We sent the at fault party a very thorough demand package that explained in detail how this was a new injury and not pre-existing. The insurance company continued to blame the prior injury. We let them know we had enough and were filing a lawsuit. But instead of filing immediately, we sent them a supplemental package with some additional hardships and a copy of the lawsuit we were prepared to file. Upon reviewing and realizing we were not playing around, the insurance company tendered they entire policy. This is a big win for our client because although some cases need to be litigated, litigation is stressful and time consuming. Our client deserved this outcome so she can move on with her life
We just finalized a $250,000 settlement for a client that was injured in a car accident. Our client was an elderly woman that was a passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended. She immediately had pain in her shoulder and went to the emergency room the same day. After months of physical therapy and an MRI, the client was recommended for surgery due to a tear in her shoulder. The surgery went great and the client’s recovery went smooth but when we tried to settle the case with the at fault party they refused to consider the client’s pain and suffering and only offered enough to cover the medical bills. After filing a lawsuit and allowing the insurance company to take a deposition of our client, they more than doubled what they were offering and we were able to settle the case for $250,000.00. It may have taken a few extra steps and more work, but the client got a fair settlement and that is all that matters
We just settled a case for $250,000.00 for our client that suffered a shoulder injury in a car accident.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was in a large accident. She immediately had pain in her shoulder but it was not properly diagnosed. We helped get the client into a shoulder specialist who was able to diagnose her with a tear in her shoulder.
After surgery, the insurance company failed to offer a fair amount of money to settle the case. As a consequence, we filed a lawsuit on the case. Fortunately, after showing the value of the case in discovery, the at fault party finally made a fair offer to settle the case.
This could not come at a better time for our client who has been hit hard by COVID and the economic shutdown. We are just happy we could help
We just settled a case for $250,000.00 for our client that suffered a shoulder injury in a car accident. Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was in a large accident. She immediately had pain in her shoulder but it was not properly diagnosed. We helped get the client into a shoulder specialist who was able to diagnose her with a tear in her shoulder. After surgery, the insurance company failed to offer a fair amount of money to settle the case. As a consequence, we filed a lawsuit on the case. Fortunately, after showing the value of the case in discovery, the at fault party finally made a fair offer to settle the case. This could not come at a better time for our client who has been hit hard by COVID and the economic shutdown. We are just happy we could help
For a client that was in a car accident due to another party running a red light. The other party was on their cell phone and caused our client months of pain and life disruption. They required physical therapy and had to get injections for the pain. Fortunately they were able to make a full recovery thanks the care.
That was T boned by another vehicle that was pulling out of a side street. There was not a significant amount of property damage and the at fault insurance company tried to claim there was no way our client could have been injured in the accident. However, our client was injured, and ended up needing a hip surgery as a result of the accident. After filing a lawsuit and going through discovery and depositions, we were able to reach a settlement through the mediation process.
That was rearended by a semi truck. The client was knocked unconscious and transported by ambulance to the nearest Emergency Room. The client was diagnosed with a head injury and also required some physical therapy for soft tissue injuries. Thankfully, the client made a full recovery and this case was able to settle in a mediation.
For a client that was Rear ended in an accident causing her to suffer herniated discs in her back and neck. After receiving physical therapy, the doctor recommended her for a spine surgery. Although she did not want to have the surgery now or in the near future, we were able to use the surgical recommendation to get the at fault party to tender their full $100,000.00 limit.
$300,000.00 Policy Limit settlement for a client that suffered a back injury in a car accident. The accident itself was straight forward as the other driver admitted to running the red light, but unfortunately they did not have any insurance coverage on their vehicle.
Thanks to the client carrying Uninsured Motorist Coverage (Check your car insurance policy!! If you live in San Diego, you NEED this coverage), we were able to capture all the money prior to the client ever having a surgery. The timing was important in order to put as much of the money in the client’s pocket as possible. This client is a decorated Federal agent and we are honored to be able to help make this unfortunate situation right for him.
We just finalized a $1,000,000.00 Policy Limit settlement for a younger gentleman that was injured in a car accident. Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was hit by a pickup truck that ran a red light. The client was able to walk away from the accident but he did suffer injuries to his neck and back that eventually required surgery. Unfortunately, the client did not have health insurance at the time of the accident. Due to his injuries, we helped connect him with one of the top doctors in Southern California so he could get all the treatment and care he needed.
Initially, the insurance company refused to pay out on the claim but after forcing the claim into Formal Arbitration, we were able to get them to tender the full $1 million policy for the client. The client is now healthy and back to doing what he loves (playing golf). We are so grateful for the trust he put in our office and we are happy he is able to close this chapter and move on with his life with his health and dignity restored.
RECENT SETTLEMENT UPDATE: We just finalized a $500,000.00 settlement for our clients that were rear ended on the freeway after stopping behind a vehicle that was stopped in the middle of the freeway. Unfortunately, the driver suffered a broken arm, and the passenger suffered a significant concussion.
After taking the case and investigating the situation, we discovered that the vehicle our clients had initially stopped behind was stopped because it’s driver had fallen asleep and was intoxicated. It was a unique case as there were two at fault parties that contributed to the accident and we had to recover from both in order to make this situation right for our clients.
Thankfully, we were able to negotiate a fair resolution with both insurance companies. Our clients are now healthy and very happy to close this chapter in their life with dignity and respect.
After undergoing a spine surgery and making a full medical recovery, we were able to settle her case for $1,500,000.00 without having to file a lawsuit. It’s important to understand that by settling this case for maximum value, without having to file a lawsuit, the client saves tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees and costs. A lot of law firms would have filed a lawsuit so they could make more money. We are not most firms.
SETTLEMENT UPDATE:We are very happy to start the 2019 New Year by finalizing a $1,500,000.00 settlement for one of our clients that was seriously injured after being rear-ended by a large SUV. Our client didn’t have any health insurance but we were able to get her set up with one of the top spine doctors in San Diego so she could get all the care she needed.
We are very happy to start the 2019 New Year by finalizing a $1,500,000.00 settlement for one of our clients that was seriously injured after being rear-ended by a large SUV. Our client didn’t have any health insurance but we were able to get her set up with one of the top spine doctors in San Diego so she could get all the care she needed.
After undergoing a spine surgery and making a full medical recovery, we were able to settle her case for $1,500,000.00 without having to file a lawsuit. It’s important to understand that by settling this case for maximum value, without having to file a lawsuit, the client saves tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees and costs. A lot of law firms would have filed a lawsuit so they could make more money. We are not most firms.
The client is SO happy and we could not be happier for her and is going to be an amazing year!!!
$2.5 million dollars recovered for a motorcyclist that was hit by a drunk driver causing compound leg fractures that required multiple surgeries.
$1.25 million recovered for a motorcycle rider that was rear ended and thrown from his bike. He suffered several injuries that required multiple surgeries.
$100,000.00 policy limits for motorcyclist that was hit while splitting lanes. The client suffered a broken arm that needed a surgery to repair.
$40,000.00 EACH for a boyfriend and girlfriend that were hit by a drunk driver. They were both checked out at the hospital and followed up with treatment with a chiropractor.
Over $700,000 in total recover for four young men that were hurt when riding on a limo bus for a brewery tour. The driver was not paying attention and served to avoid rear ending a vehicle and causing our clients to go flying around the inside of the bus. Three of the four victims only suffered minor soft tissue injuries but one of them had to undergo a minimally invasive back procedure as a result of the incident.
$500,000.00 for a client that was Rearended while getting onto a freeway. The impact pushed the client into the center divider and resulted in a total loss of her vehicle. The client underwent a procedure on her neck as a result of the accident.
$500,000.00 policy limits for client that suffered a back and neck injury in an automobile accident. The client had a spine procedure as a result of the accident.
$100,000.00 policy limits settlement for lady that suffered a ruptured breast implant in a car accident.
$100,000.00 EACH for an elderly couple that is as hit by a vehicle that ran a red light. The police report wrongly put our clients at fault but after a thorough investigation we were able to show that the other party caused the accident. The clients were very banged up and were transported by ambulance to the Emergency Room.
$500,000.00 for an elderly lady that fell on a crack in a parking lot that was poorly lit. The client was leaving a nursing facility after visiting her friend and she fell on a large crack in the parking lot. The condition was made more dangerous as it was difficult to see the crack due to the lack of lighting in the complex. The client suffered several compression fractures in her back that required several months of treatment and care.
$450,000.00 for our client, an experienced rider and Vietnam Vet, who was run off the road on his motorcycle by a semi-truck. The client suffered significant road rash, a broken wrist, and injuries to his back and neck. Fortunately, the client did not have a surgery and after months of care is now feeling better. Even after the medical bills and the attorney fees, out of the $450k settlement, the client is getting $250,000 tax free.
$80,000.00 that was originally denied in full by the at fault party. Our client was rear ended while at a stop light but the damage to his truck was minor due to his tow hitch absorbing the impact. The at fault party denied his injury claim by concluding “there was not enough force for someone to be injured.” Attorney Ed Meara in our office was able to convince the at fault party that this accident caused our client to suffer injuries that required months of medical care.
$250,000 for an elderly client that suffered a concussion in a car accident. The at fault party tried to fight the claim due to the minimal damage to our client’s vehicle. Fortunately, after connecting the client with one of the top neurologists in San Diego, we were able to show the other insurance company the serious nature of her injuries.
$750,000 Policy Limits tendering for our client that was seriously injured in a t-bone collision. The at fault party ran a red light and initially tried to blame our client for the accident. The client suffered broken ribs and a neck injury that eventually required a surgery to repair. We were able to prove that the other party was liable for the accident and recovered the full $750,000.00 policy limits for our client.
$500,000 for our client that was struck while on his motorcycle, suffering several broken bones in his hand and a tear in his shoulder that required a surgery to repair. The at fault party initially disputed liability on the case. Fortunately, we were able to prove that their insured was the cause of the accident and our client’s injuries. After forcing the at fault party to tender their full policy, we filed for Arbitration with the client’s insurance company in order to obtain the full under insured policy limits for the client.
Client was rear-ended in an auto accident while stopped at a stoplight. After getting evaluated by a doctor and undergoing physical therapy, the client fully recovered from her injuries. With a soft tissue diagnosis and a full recovery after a few months of care, the attorney was able to get the defendant’s full $25,000.00 policy tendered for the client.
The client a mid-aged woman in her early 50’s with a pre-existing spinal condition was rear-ended at a stoplight. Due to the accident and the clients pre-existing condition, the client was recommended for surgery. The attorney was able to get the defendant’s full $100,000.00 policy tendered prior to the client getting the surgery.
The client entered the freeway and rear-ended a commercial vehicle. Due to the circumstances and severity of injury, an Accident Reconstructionist was hired and found negligence on the part of the commercial vehicle. Even with a full dispute of liability, a $200,000.00 settlement was reached without litigation.
Three clients were rear ended by a vehicle at a high rate of speed causing a serious spinal injury to one of the passengers. With a $500,000.00 policy limit offer on the table in pre-litigation the case was litigated and settled in mediation for $1,300,000.00.
A gentleman was struck by a drunk driver as he was sitting broken down on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. The client had to have a surgery on his back as a result of the accident and recovered the full $1,250,000.00 insurance policy of the at fault party.
A middle-aged woman discovered she was pregnant at the hospital following a rear end collision in which her vehicle was a total loss. Due to her pregnancy, she was unable to receive the care she needed for her concussion and neck injury. Within months of the client having a happy healthy baby boy, the Attorney was able to get the insurance company to tender the $100,000.00 policy limits.
A young motorist in his twenties was hit by a commercial truck that ran a red light. The at fault driver tried to lie about the color of the light but thanks to a diligent investigation evidence was presented to show that he did in fact run the red light and cause the collision. As a result of the accident, the client required a back surgery. After multiple mediations the case settled for $750,000.00 prior to going to trial.
Several gentlemen were riding in a rented limo bus on a brew tour when the bus driver swerved out of his lane causing the passengers to fly around the inside of the bus. Several of the passengers suffered injuries, one of which required a back surgery. Even though the defense argued against the case due to waivers that had been signed by the passengers and that there was no contact with another vehicle, the case settled in mediation for 600,000.00 for the individual that required a surgery.
We just settled a case for $75,000 for a gentleman that was assaulted by an attendant at a gas station. The employee beat up our client and broke his nose.
These are you go cases because insurance is not usually liable for intentional acts, but we were able to show that they had negligent hiring practices and should have known that their employee had a propensity to violence. The client is really happy because a lot of his medical bills were outstanding and how he is able to pay those bills and put some money in his pocket as well.
We just finalized a $1 million Policy Limits Settlement for our client that was injured while hiking. Our client was on her way back down after hiking a well known local trail. On her descent, she was run over by a man riding his mountain bike down the trail. The impact sent our client flying down the hillside, causing her to tear both of her shoulders.
Our client required surgery on one of her shoulders and a significant amount of treatment on the other. Her recovery was painful and took her away from many of the activities she loves. Our office tried to settle this case without having having to file a lawsuit but the insurance company refused to be reasonable. After filing suit and taking depositions, the insurance company agreed to pay their full $1 million dollar policy limit.
Our client was a patron of a bar in San Diego when he was stabbed by a man that was not checked at the door. The bar had been checking everyone that entered the establishment for weapons but failed to check the defendant.
Our client suffered significant injuries to his arm that required surgery. Unfortunately, the individual that stabbed him did not have any financial means to compensate our client, leaving our client with significant medical bills. We were able to show how the negligent security contributed to the stabbing and the establishment agreed to pay their $1 million dollar policy to help compensate our client.
If you ever know anyone that is injured due to the fault of someone else, send them our way and we will make sure they are treated like family
$250k policy limits for a client that was injured in an accident while on vacation. Welcome to San Diego!!
The biggest issue in this situation was making sure the client could get the care she needed to recover. The client suffered injuries but did not have health insurance to get care, and she lived in Florida. Fortunately, we were able to work with a law firm in Florida that helped connect the client with great doctors so she was able to get the care needed to recover. At the end of the day, there is no price you can put on your health. We are very happy everything worked out the way it should
If you ever know anyone in an accident, we are always here to help!!
In cases like these, it usually ends up with multiple parties pointing the finger at each other, trying to escape liability. The contractor blaming the subcontractor, the subcontractor blaming the landscaping company and the landscaping company blaming our client. Our type of fun. Fortunately, we were able to get all liable parties to contribute in order to reach a fair settlement. We had to file a lawsuit but we avoided a costly trial and our client is very happy with the result.
We just finalized a $550,000 settlement for our client that suffered a knee injury while at work. The injury required our client to have a surgery on his knee. Although most work place accidents must go through workers compensation, we were able to show that a third party had caused the dangerous condition that caused our client to be injured. After proving that the other business was the cause of the negligence, we were able to negotiate a $550,000 offer to settle the case. Accidents are a part of life and we really hope you never need us; but if you do, we are always here to help!!
That was injured when a door frame collapsed in him at a job site. The client was knocked unconscious and hospitalized as a result of the incident.
The door frame had been improperly installed by another contractor and we were able to find that party and their insurance and prove to them that they caused our client’s injuries. Thankfully, we were able to reach this settlement in Pre-litigation which keeps costs and fees as possible, allowing the client to net more of the settlement.
$40,000.00 for a lady that spilled hot Pho Soup on her legs due to the lid not being properly secured. The Pho caused burns that although not permanent were extremely painful for months.
$300,000.00 for a client that has a mirror fall onto her head while eating at a restaurant. The impact from the mirror caused a neck injury which eventually required a surgery to repair.
$65,000.00 recovered for lady that tripped when her sandal was lodged under a loose metal trip plate of a door frame causing the client to fall. She suffered an injury to her spine and knee that required months of physical therapy and care.
$105,000.00 for gentleman that tripped over the bent leg of a barrier that was set up as a security divider. The client suffered a concussion and a large laceration that required dozens of stictches and follow up care.
$265,000.00 for a client that fell down a makeshift ladder the defendant had constructed to get onto his roof. Due to the dangerous nature of the ladder, the client fell and landed on his hip, causing a fracture.
$300,000 for a gentleman that was shopping for a desk for his home office at a larger retail store, when one of the desks collapsed onto his legs. The client suffered injuries to his knees and hips and had a knee surgery as a result of the incident.
$40,000.00 for a lady that spilled hot Pho Soup on her legs due to the lid not being properly secured. The Pho caused burns that although not permanent were extremely painful for months.
$300,000.00 for a client that has a mirror fall onto her head while eating at a restaurant. The impact from the mirror caused a neck injury which eventually required a surgery to repair.
$65,000.00 recovered for lady that tripped when her sandal was lodged under a loose metal trip plate of a door frame causing the client to fall. She suffered an injury to her spine and knee that required months of physical therapy and care.
$105,000.00 for gentleman that tripped over the bent leg of a barrier that was set up as a security divider. The client suffered a concussion and a large laceration that required dozens of stitches and follow up care.
$265,000.00 for a client that fell down a makeshift ladder the defendant had constructed to get onto his roof. Due to the dangerous nature of the ladder, the client fell and landed on his hip, causing a fracture.
$300,000.00 for a gentleman that was shopping for a desk for his home office at a larger retail store, when one of the desks collapsed onto his legs. The client suffered injuries to his knees and hips and had a knee surgery as a result of the incident.
$500,000.00 for a lady in a wheelchair that was hit while crossing the road. The client had a few broken bones and was bruised and banged up and required months of treatment and care to recover from her injuries.
The client was leaving a visit with her friend when she tripped over a large crack in the parking lot, causing her to fall and suffer serious injuries to her back and hip. After filing a lawsuit and going to mediation, a settlement with the owner of the parking lot was reached in excess of $500,000.00 for the client.
We just settled a case for $75,000 for a gentleman that was assaulted by an attendant at a gas station. The employee beat up our client and broke his nose.
These are you go cases because insurance is not usually liable for intentional acts, but we were able to show that they had negligent hiring practices and should have known that their employee had a propensity to violence. The client is really happy because a lot of his medical bills were outstanding and how he is able to pay those bills and put some money in his pocket as well.
$1 million dollar policy limits settlement for our client that fractured her arm in a fall in a bathroom. The floors in the bathroom had just been mopped but no signs were put up to warn of the dangerous conditions and our client fell and broke her arm. We were able to get the entire $1 million dollar policy paid for her.
Multiple million dollar confidential settlement for our client that broke her neck at a concert venue.
Our client was a patron of a bar in San Diego when he was stabbed by a man that was not checked at the door. The bar had been checking everyone that entered the establishment for weapons but failed to check the defendant.
Our client suffered significant injuries to his arm that required surgery. Unfortunately, the individual that stabbed him did not have any financial means to compensate our client, leaving our client with significant medical bills. We were able to show how the negligent security contributed to the stabbing and the establishment agreed to pay their $1 million dollar policy to help compensate our client.
If you ever know anyone that is injured due to the fault of someone else, send them our way and we will make sure they are treated like family
In cases like these, it usually ends up with multiple parties pointing the finger at each other, trying to escape liability. The contractor blaming the subcontractor, the subcontractor blaming the landscaping company and the landscaping company blaming our client. Our type of fun. Fortunately, we were able to get all liable parties to contribute in order to reach a fair settlement. We had to file a lawsuit but we avoided a costly trial and our client is very happy with the result.
$300,000.00 for a client that has a mirror fall onto her head while eating at a restaurant. The impact from the mirror caused a neck injury which eventually required a surgery to repair.
$300,000.00 for a gentleman that was shopping for a desk for his home office at a larger retail store, when one of the desks collapsed onto his legs. The client suffered injuries to his knees and hips and had a knee surgery as a result of the incident.
$150,000.00 for a lady that broke her ankle due to a faulty safety railing. Our client lost her balance on the stairs in her apartment complex and tried to grab the railing which was very loose and gave-way causing her to fall and break her ankle.
Initially, the insurance company for the complex denied all liability and refused to take any responsibility for the incident. Through the process we were able to convince them of their liability and the seriousness of the client’s injury and were able to obtain a settlement of $150,000.00 for the client.
The client was leaving a visit with her friend when she tripped over a large crack in the parking lot, causing her to fall and suffer serious injuries to her back and hip. After filing a lawsuit and going to mediation, a settlement with the owner of the parking lot was reached in excess of $500,000.00 for the client.
We just settled a dog bite case for $35,000 for a client that was bit on her leg. Fortunately, the wound eventually healed without leaving a scar but the situation left the client with a lot of anxiety around dogs.Dog bite cases are unique in the emotional trauma they leave. We live in such a dog friendly community and no one wants to have anxiety every time they walk into a situation and a dog is present. Luckily, San Diego has some amazing medical providers that help dog bite victims work through this anxiety so it does not follow them around in life. We are happy to say that our client is doing much better and is very grateful to put this situation behind her.
Our client was visiting a friend at someone else’s home when she was bit on the nose by a dog. The client tried to get in touch with insurance for the home and was completely blown off. After contacting our firm, we were able to get the insurance company’s attention but they refused to understand the seriousness of situation and made insulting offers to try to resolve the case.
Our office filed a lawsuit and worked the case towards trial. Fortunately, we were able to settle the case in mediation for $175,000.00. The client is extremely grateful and she can now move on with her life.
If you ever know anyone that is injured from a dog bite, we are always here to help.
$100,000.00 policy limits tendering for a young boy that was bit in the face by a dog. The bite required surgery and will likely result in a permanent scar.
$100,000.00 policy limits tendering for a young boy that was bit in the face by a dog. The bite required surgery and will likely result in a permanent scar.
$365,000.00 for a client that suffered bites to her face when a neighbors dog jumped up and bit her over a dividing fence. The client received care at the emergency room and had to follow up with a plastic surgeon for treatment on her wounds. Although her face healed beautifully, she was still left with slight scarring. Attorney Ed Meara and Attorney Dan Fulkerson were to show the insurance company that represented the dog owner, the true impact the injuries had on the client’s mental health as well as the insecurity that comes with a woman having even slight scarring on her face.
$100,000.00 policy limit settlement for a dog bite on the wrist that left a permanent scar. Our client was bit on her wrist and hand by a neighbor’s dog. It was a deep bite that left a noticeable scar on the client’s wrist. The insurance company initially offered $24,000.00 to settle the case. After filing a lawsuit and going through discovery and a deposition, the at fault party tendered their full $100,000.00 policy limits.
$300,000.00 policy limit settlement for a client that was attacked by a dog at a community park. The client was walking her two dogs on a leash in a park, when a large and aggressive dog pulled away from its owner and proceeded to run across the park and attack our client and her two dogs. Both our client and her dogs suffered significant injuries. Fortunately, both of her dogs have recovered and the client is doing better as well.